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My name is John Vardakis. I was born and I still live in Iraklion, Crete Greece. My Mom's name is Ilektra, My dad's name is Anthony. I work as a bank officer from 1994, at a local mortgage bank.I have 2 good friends, and I intend to keep them forever. One is Lefteris Yannakoudakis, living and working as a writer in Anthens. He had his first book published some months ago. It's called " Trexe myga xtypa to tzami" in English " Run fly, Hit the Window". You must visit, to get a copy of this. It's great and I think that this guy has a bright future. The other is Aristotelis Skountakis. A pharmacist. So if you are in Iraklion and need anything, from an aspirin , to 3 grammars of pholic acid, pay him a visit!.Me.... I started in the early 2000 with the project name EXANTAS as a self developed music only project, I tried to comprehence and get familiar with the " pc - audio" functions and abillities of my PC. After 1,5 years I have found out that they are unexpandable!. All you have to do is to have the ability to create musical melodies with your mind. Use your mind and the rest will come easy.....

Music is my first love..... and it will be my last
I borrowed this verse of an old "pasadenas" song, cause it's a sentence that I am into 100%. First of all let me tell you that I am 28 y/o. I started listening to music in the age of 10. And I did started with extreme stuff for that age and years. I remember my first LP. Ac/Dc's Back in Black. So ... years after years , and after vast hours of listening, I tried to expand my musical knowledges and hearings. At my teenhood, I only listened to Heavy Metal, Hard Rock and all their clones. When I reached 18 - 19, I started with the radio shows. I worked as an independent associated producer with some of the most famous radio stations at my town ( Iraklion, Crete). That's Club FM, Heraclion 9.84 FM, Radio Odyssey, Studio 19, and last but not least the E.RA. station ( That's the Greek State Radio). I had many radio shows. Most of them into rock music, and always after hours. The one I enjoyed the most was " Electrical Waves". A Friday night show, playing garage sounds, and stuff. I remember that when I was on air, I usually was ... kinda.... stoned. The Good Old Days!!! ( lol). Anyway, my basic - fond of - stuff, after experiencing all this wonderfull melodies from al over the world, still remain. I mean Punk rock, Hard rock, classic rock, and some progressive , and sometimes extreme stuff. Nowdays, I am trying to write, trance, ambient, and electro music. The cause is that it's the only mode of music that you are able to write down without knowing to play a musical instrument. So...... if you hear something of me .... it will be elevtronic.

Major Influences - Likes and Dislikes
Influences : Faithless, Prodigy, Moby, Recoil, Thievery Corporation, Orbital, William Orbit, Alpha Breed, Paranoize

Likes : Bad Religion, Nofx, Porcupine Tree, Moby, Iron Maiden, Cure, Depeche Mode, Prodigy, Rage against the Machine

Dislikes : All the huge amount of new age Greek pop Sound, Highly Commercial tracks, Latin pop, purely commercial love songs.

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