Picture Book
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Scroll down and have fun with these life pics. Everything and everyone reveals his nature here

1973 - 3 months old - " Hey!!!! what are you looking at?"

1974 - 1,5 y/o - " Can I please take a swim by my self??"

1984 - Summer Camp - Immitating a rock band - "Mom thanks for the wig!"

1987 - " I think I have to paint the room again after this eh?"

1988 - " Who said I need a haircut?"

1988 - Dad and his favourite music!!!! " Yo!!!"

1989 - One of the first appearances in public as a dj at a students party - " Vote for me people!!!"

1992 - You're in the army now! - " Make my day you wimp!"

Extravaganza from the past! Special Edition! - 1987 ( I think) - One of the " all men in here, where are the women??" parties of that time. Please notice ..... 2nd right to left! Lefteris " do you like my hair?"Yannakoudakis

1993 - Lefteris Yannakoudakis discovers civilization

1993 - Aristotelis " don't i look pretty tonight? " Skountakis, trying to force his way into the billboard

1994 - George Stivaktakis, another good friend of mine, trying to convince me that Nikon is not a killer

2001 - It's just .... Me , Myself and I